Moby investment app by ex-hedge fund analysts

Moby App Review: Simple & Straightforward Stock Picks

Investing is complex. From researching individual companies, customizing your portfolio, and staying on top of the latest developments in the stock market and the global economy, there’s an endless supply of information you need to know. It’s impossible to stay on top of it all. Even legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Bill Ackman can’t … Read more

Seeking Alpha vs. Moby - which is the better investing tool?

Seeking Alpha vs Moby: Which Stock Screener Tool is Better?

If you’re looking for a new place to get investment research, Seeking Alpha and Moby are two of the best. Though they may seem like similar services on the surface, they’re two totally different products with different ways of bringing you investment advice.  By the end of this article, one should stand out to you … Read more

Motley Fool vs. Moby - which platform has better stock picks

Motley Fool vs Moby: Which Stock Picking Service is Better?

Each of them has a different investing approach, but every stock picking service has the same goal: Outperform the market. To that end, Motley Fool has been almost unbeatable for over 20 years (more on this below). But since its launch in 2020 Moby has outperformed the Motley Fool with its own track record of … Read more

investing for beginners

Beginner Investing: 10 Steps to Start Investing the Right Way

I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life trying to help beginners learn to invest in the stock market. My main message is this:  Stop thinking about beginning to invest in stocks, stop talking about it, and just start investing now.  The sooner you get started, the better off you will be.  Start educating … Read more