Is a Motley Fool Subscription Worth It? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’re in the market for a stock picking service, you might be asking yourself: Is a Motley Fool subscription worth it?

Great question, and we’re here to help you answer it.

The Motley Fool is a financial and investment advice company. It was founded back in 1993 by brothers David and Tom Gardner. It’s not a brokerage, although it does have two affiliates, Motley Fool Asset Management and Motley Fool Wealth Management, that manage assets and are regulated by FINRA.

If you’re someone who wants access to trustworthy stock picks, then a Motley Fool subscription might be right for you.

There are four subscription tiers offered by Motley Fool, and all are designed to help investors make smart decisions by providing monthly stock picks. 

I’ve been a Motley Fool subscriber for a while now, and their picks have done very well. (See: MOTLEY FOOL PERFORMANCE)

My purchases of Motley Fool recommendations since 2016 have outperformed the S&P 500 by 28.8%, and since Stock Advisor’s inception, their picks have outperformed the S&P 500 by almost 600%!

In this review, we’ll provide insights and updates about Motley Fool to help you decide if it’s the right service to transform your investment journey. Is the Motley Fool legit and is a Motley Fool subscription worth it for you? Keep reading to find out!

Pro Tip:

If you sign up with The Motley Fool today, you will receive $100 off and unlimited access to Motley Fool Stock Advisor!

Motley Fool Subscription Type Overview

Motley Fool offers several subscription options and before you subscribe, you’ll need to get a handle on what they are and how they differ from one another.

Stock AdvisorBuy-and hold strategy for people with $25,000+ in their portfolios but also suitable for beginners2 stock picks/month
Monthly rankings
Entry strategies
Game Plan financial hub
$199 per year
EpicBalanced mix of picks for people with $50,000+ in their portfolios5 stock picks/month
Additional picks from Rule Breakers, etc.
Fool IQ
Access to 5Y Quant ratings
$499 per year
Epic PlusAdditional research, recommendations and trends for people with $100,000 or more in their portfolios9 stock picks/month
Tom Gardner’s real money portfolios
Options trades
Monthly recs & rankings
$1,999 per year
OneAccess to the One Portfolio, plus all picks and additional features for people with $500,000 or more in their portfolios11+ stock picks/month
One Portfolio with quarterly rebalancing
Member Event access
Investor Solutions Team access
$13,999 per year
Rule BreakersAvailable as part of Epic memberships and above2 high growth stock recommendations per month
Monthly Round Table
10 Best Buy alerts per month
Part of Epic, Epic Plus, and One bundles

As you can see, each plan is geared toward investors based on their portfolio size and what type of information they want. Beginners who just want a couple of vetted stock picks each month will do best with Stock Advisor.

People who don’t mind spending a little more to get some extra picks may benefit from the Epic bundle, which gives access to the Stock Advisor Picks, plus Rule Breakers and a few other things.

Motley Fool Subscription Features Overview

Motley Fool Subscription TypeKey Features
Motley Fool Stock AdvisorMonthly Stock Picks: 2
Recommendations of companies you can buy and hold for the long term
Monthly rankings in Stock Advisor
Three entry strategies across Cautious, Moderate, and Aggressive styles
Motley Fool EpicMonthly Stock Picks: 5
Rule Breakers recommendations of high-growth stocks
Access to Fool IQ
Monthly recommendations and rankings from Rule Breakers, Hidden Gems, and Dividend Investor
Portfolio Strategies
Quant 5Y ratings
Access to members-only podcast
Motley Fool Epic PlusEverything in Stock Advisor and Epic
Monthly Stock Picks: 9
Access to Options Strategies
Intro to Tom Gardner’s proprietary investing portfolio
Monthly recommendations and rankings across Trends, Value Hunters, and Global Partners
Motley Fool OneEverything in Epic Plus
Monthly Stock Picks: 11+
Access to One Portfolio
Quarterly rebalancing
Full access to all reports
Member Event access
Team Solutions access
Full Industry Research, Company, & Market Coverage

Key Benefits of Using Motley Fool Subscription

Here are some of the key benefits of using a Motley Fool Subscription.

  • Access to expert analysis about stocks and other investments. Motley Fool subscribers can use the company’s huge library of analysis to learn about investments and decide whether to add them to their portfolios.
  • Access to educational content. New investors can learn all about how the stock market works, how to understand investment metrics, and much more, to get them off on the right foot in their investment journey.
  • Access to portfolio strategies ideal for cautious, moderate, and aggressive investors.
  • High-performing stock picks. The Motley Fool’s stock picks have historically performed very well when compared to the S&P 500. 

Motley Fool Rule Breakers Picks (included in the Epic, Epic Plus, and One bundles) have returned 284.9% since the service’s inception, outperforming the S&P 500 by 148.9%.

Pro Tip:

If you sign up with The Motley Fool today, you will receive $100 off and unlimited access to Motley Fool Stock Advisor!

Who Can Benefit Most from Motley Fool’s Services?

Let’s run through who can benefit the most from Motley Fool’s Services.

Beginner Investors

Motley Fool Stock Advisor is the best option for beginner investors who want to get their feet wet and start building a portfolio. By embracing the “buy and hold” strategy and buying each one of Stock Advisor’s monthly recommendations, you can increase your odds of beating the S&P 500.

Long-Term Stockholders

Long-term stockholders are the optimal subscribers for both Stock Advisor and Epic. Taking the long view in the stock market is wise because while prices may change from day to day, the overall trend of the market is up.

Growth-Seeking Investors

Growth-seeking investors can benefit the most from the bundles that include Rule Breakers picks, since they’re specifically focused on companies with significant growth potential. Having access to the regular Stock Advisor picks is useful because it can keep your portfolio balanced.

Pro Tip:

If you sign up with The Motley Fool today, you will receive $100 off and unlimited access to Motley Fool Stock Advisor!

Motley Fool Success Stories & Case Studies

Let’s look at two of the stocks that Motley Fool has recommended and see how they’ve performed.

Chewy is a pet supply company and received a Buy recommendation for aggressive investors from Motley Fool in April of 2024, when the stock price was $16.10. As of October of 2024, the price is at $29.53, representing a gain of 83.4% in about six months.

Motley Fool Chewy Inc Review and Recommendation

Analysts at The Motley Fool have recommended buying Tesla stock multiple times. We reviewed the performance starting on January 2, 2020 through mid-October of 2024. Here’s what it looks like.

Motley Fool Tesla Review and Recommendation

The price at the beginning of 2020 was $28.68 per share, and as of mid-October of 2024, the price is $219.98 per share, representing a gain of 767%.

What these examples show is that the Motley Fool team does an excellent job of choosing stocks that will appreciate over time. Of course, they don’t always get it right, but if you buy every pick and use the recommended buy and hold strategy, there’s a chance that you’ll do very well.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Motley Fool Subscription

Motley Fool My Stocks and News Coverage Page

Now that you’ve got our take on the various subscriptions offered by Motley Fool, here are our tips to help you make the most of your subscription.

  • After you subscribe, the first step should be creating a portfolio. You can’t link directly to a brokerage portfolio, but you can mirror your investments. Having your portfolio handy will help you use Motley Fool’s features and keep track of what’s happening with your investments.
  • Go to your Settings and set up your alert preferences. We suggest setting up email or text alerts to be advised when Motley Fool issues new guidance or when new recommendations are made. You can also opt in for some newsletters.
  • Regularly check your portfolio updates. That way, you’ll be able to see what’s happening with your investments and make informed buy/sell decisions.

Of course, the only way to take advantage of Motley Fool’s features is to subscribe – and start using these tips today.

Furthermore, if you are looking to compare the Motley Fool as a whole against competitors such as the Seeking Alpha and Zacks, check out our new review comparing the three: SEEKING ALPHA VS MOTLEY FOOL VS ZACKS!


How much does a Motley Fool subscription cost?

Motley Fool annual subscriptions range from $199 for Stock Advisor to $13,999 for the One bundle. Most investors don’t need to spend the money for the One bundle. The Epic Bundle offers everything in Stock Advisor plus access to extra features and picks, making it a good choice for most investors.

What is the success rate of the stock picks in each subscription?

Motley Fool doesn’t publish the success rate of every subscription service, but Motley Fool Stock Advisors picks have beaten the S&P 500 by 583.9% since the service’s inception, and Motley Fool Rule Breakers picks have beaten the S&P 500 by 148.9%.

What are the main differences between Motley Fool Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers?

The primary difference is that Motley Fool Stock Advisor focuses on long-term growth and urges subscribers to stick to a ‘buy and hold” strategy to maximize their earnings. Rule Breakers is for aggressive investors who want stock picks with high growth potential and may want to take a more active role in managing their portfolios.

Which subscription offers the most frequent stock picks?

The Motley Fool One bundle offers over 11 picks each month, so that’s the service where you’ll get the most frequent picks. If you choose the Epic bundle, you’ll get 5 picks and with Epic Plus, you’ll get 9.