Investments are managed by a portfolio manager – they decide when to buy and sell investments. Learn about how mutual funds work and how to make money off them.
*** 9:08 AM ET SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 ALERT: ZOOM VIDEO (TICKER:ZM is up $124 or 38% to $448 in early trading this morning due to a fantastic earnings release. ***DO YOU OWN ZOOM? I DO AND I BOUGHT IT 4 TIMES IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS--THANKS TO THE FOOL!
The Motley Fool has been hot on the stock for a year now recommending it July 3, 2019 when it was at $90; then again Oct 3, 2019 when it was at $76; then again during COVID on March 19, 2020 when it was at $123 and finally again on April 156, 2020 when it was at $150. So now it is at $448. THAT is exactly how they get their incredible returns year after year.
Learn more about the Motley Fool Stock Advisor service and how you can get their picks for just $19.